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3 Signs You Should Get a Tree Removal Service

March 26, 2024

Trees add so much life and beauty to any property. That's why it can be painful when you must get rid of one or several of them. Unfortunately, depending on the condition of the tree or the surrounding area, tree removal may be essential to your home and personal safety. Here are signs you need to hire a tree removal service.

1. Roof Damage

While having a tree too close to your home can help provide shade and privacy, if it's too close, it can damage certain areas like your roof. When trees have extended branches that are too close to your roof, it can cause damage by scrapes, holes, and other vulnerabilities. As a result, a damaged roof is likely to leak and provide an entryway for pests. Your roof is a vital part of your home structure and any tree damage can cost you a lot of money down the road. Plus, if the tree is too close to your roof, it can easily fall on your home during a storm.

2. Overgrown Roots

The longer you have your tree on your property, the larger it will grow. According to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, a large, healthy tree gets rid of 70 times more air pollution than a small, newly planted sapling. In some cases, a large, otherwise healthy tree can also get rid of a healthy home foundation. How's that? Overgrown roots that inch towards your home can lift your home off of its foundation. These roots can also puncture your septic tank and create a health hazard as the sewage could leak into your ground and water supply.

3. Deadwood

A tree removal service is essential when you have deadwood on your hands. Unfortunately, a tree can die, especially if it's been ill for a long time. The last thing you want to do is keep deadwood there, as it can also attract unwelcome pests to your property. A dead tree is also a safety hazard as it can fall over anytime and hurt you or anyone nearby.

Tree removal service is essential for keeping your property safe. While trees typically create more benefits than problems, a minor issue can be detrimental to your safety, property value, and structure. For a quality
tree removal service, contact our team today at South Shore Tree Removal Inc.

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